Anemia in Pregnancy

It’s one of the leading medical conditions in tropical areas. Hemoglobin concentration of less than 11g/dl in peripheral blood.

Anemia in pregnancy can be classified as follows

  1. Trimesters: early( 1st trimester) <11g/dl , 2nd and 3rd trimesters <10.5g/dl
  2. Severity: Mild 11-8 g/dl , Severe <7g/dl

Cause :

  • Physiological anemia: there is an increase in plasma volume, RBC volume, and increase of iron demand during 2nd and 3rd trimester this effect is called hemodilution. This leads to a drop in hemoglobin concentration and serum iron with an increase in total iron binding capacity and increases in iron absorption.
    • -Physiological anemia is normocytic and normochromic.
  • Pathological anemia:
    • i. Deficiency anemia eg; iron deficiency, vitamin b12, and folic acid deficiency
    • ii. Hemorrhagic
    • iii. Hereditary eg; sickle cell disease
    • iv. Infection
    •  v. Chronic diseases

Clinical presentation:

  • Weakness, tiredness
  • Palpitations , dyspnea
  • Dizziness, headache
  • Pallor on the conjunctiva, mucous membrane, and skin.

Lab test:

  • Fbp/Hb
  • Mrdt/bs
  • Stool analysis, urinalysis
  • Hiv test


Ferrous sulphate+ folic acid 1tab bd 1/12 and vitamin b 1tab bd 1/12

If Hb <7g/dl transfusion with packed red blood cells required

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